Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mayor's Response - "Get your head out of its shell turtle" Daily Sound November 29, 2007

In Tuesday, November 20th's commentary by Conservative Turtle, Mr. Head-in-his-shell has decided he knows the answer to the question, "Why did an incumbent lose the election." His one and only answer: "Public safety".

First of all, how insulting to the voters to think they all voted with one mind. I guarantee some voters were concerned with public safety, but others were thinking about big buildings on Chapala. Some did not like the traffic calming in neighborhoods, and others were unhappy the traffic calming has taken so long to be installed. Still others were looking for a new face. The myriad of reasons people vote for or against someone are always interesting, but in no way did the voters only have one thing in mind.

Secondly, C.Turtle says "Nobody in leadership appears to be getting the loud and clear message" about public safety. I don't know who the turtle is talking to, but everyone around me puts public safety as #1 on a list of concerns. Another Santa Barbara daily newspaper says that no one in City Hall has done anything about youth violence since the March homicide. How irresponsible to say such a falsehood! The Turtle is joining a dubious club of editorial writers who make things up, insulting electeds at every opportunity. Maybe Mr. Head-in-his-shell should put his head out and look around.

We have beefed up law enforcement and recreation programs, adding an additional $275,000 to enhance prevention and intervention programs. The City has received a $863,000 Workforce Investment Act grant for jobs for youth with our partners, the School District and Chamber of Commerce among others. We hope to get 200 youth jobs in our community through our neighborhood centers. Their boards have stepped up to the plate, engaging adults on the Eastside, Westside and lower Westside to give the youth support.

Thirdly, C. Turtle says "We prefer to look at the final tally of voting: Incumbents 19,579 and Challengers 20,703", so "there are more voters unhappy with the current Council". But crafty C. Turtle forgets to tell the readers that there were three incumbents and five challengers, and everyone voted three times. His conclusion is too simplistic. Numbers don't lie, but they can be manipulated.

Lastly, Conservative Turtle tuned into KTMS 990 at noon on Saturday to hear the Mayor's show. Hmmm, maybe C. Turtle isn't all bad. Yes, the Mayor read from a memo by Chief Sanchez and Captain Mannix which says Part I crimes are the lowest in a decade. Those are the serious ones: homicides, assault with a deadly weapon, sexual assaults, arson, burglary, battery. In addition Part II crimes have diminished appreciably, a reduction of 18% since 2005. These are drug, alcohol and lesser property crimes. Maybe C. Turtle should have stayed in his shell when he said "How these numbers were manipulated is anyone's guess." No, our police officers report the crimes, they don't manipulate the numbers. Your mayor is as honest as the day is long and doesn't make these numbers up either. What C. Turtle did not report is that the Mayor on her radio show said that violent crimes among juveniles is on the rise, a reason for great concern. Instead he thinks I am downplaying the youth crime as "insignificant". Nothing could be farther from the truth.

As a former teacher I am very aware of the youth in our community and very concerned about them. Yesterday I met with Senator Feinstein's deputy aide who toured this City's afterschool programs. He was pleased with what he saw and encouraged us to apply for a federal grant to serve these youngsters.

Our police officers are actively enforcing the laws against criminal gang activity. To do less would not be serving the City of Santa Barbara. In addition, there is no one solution to the escalating youth violence. I wish there were. Instead we have to work on all fronts to keep kids from gangs, to get them out of gangs, and to give them opportunities. Check out the 40 youth-serving nonprofits in this community that are helping young people grow up well. We are blessed with wonderful people here.

We deserve better than a turtle telling us what to think, especially about a subject so important to all of us.
Have a great Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for in this beautiful caring community.

Marty Blum

1 comment:

M.C. Confrontation said...

Who wrote that letter, Marty Blum or Ricky Henderson? She refers to herself in the third person like four times!

MC Confrontation thinks the turtles are spot on in their assessment of what the local electeds are doing in response to the INCREASED number of gang murders over the past year. Adding more junior high flag football teams is not going to keep a 14 year old gang banger from stabbing a 15 year old gang banger, because you can't force the gang bangers into playing flag football. Just like you can't force their parents to learn english and stop having babies after kid #9, you can't force a kid to attend an after school arts & crafts class at the YMCA. While the PD may be doing a great job, they need more resources, more officers, more patrols, and more intelligence if we are going to stop the violence.